Saturday, September 24, 2011

$1.00 worth of fun

I have been trying to come up with fun and economical ways for my daughter to learn. I find it is important for her to have structured activities to keep her mind and hands busy. It keeps her out of trouble and it helps her develop many valuable skills. One idea I came up with was to buy those little colored things (pom poms?)....see the picture below if you know the correct name for these colored things as I refer to them PLEASE tell me!! I went to the dollar store and sure enough I was able to buy a bag of them for $1.00. I set up a tray for Savannah with 3 cups and the little colored things. I had her sort them, touch them and play with them. When she was "done" sorting them she exclaimed "Look mom, it is beautiful." She will play with these for about 15 minutes which is good for a 2 year old. She gets at least a dollars worth of fun out of them each time!!

You can see how hard she is concentrating.
Also, I set her up in the kitchen so I can
get some work done while she is working.

This is linked to Tip Junkie


  1. Seems she is busy with the activites! She's cute georgia :) my wishes to her

  2. That's a great idea! And a good way for her to practice with colors, too.

    Found your blog via Raising Homemakers. Hope you have a blessed day!

  3. great idea! i think my Andrew will like this! thanks :)

  4. When mine were small, I would sit them in their high chair with a tiny cup of water, paintbrush, and construction paper. They could "paint" all day and not make a mess...and the paper dried and was good to use again! ;-)


Thanks so much for your encouraging words!