Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Uses for Kitchen Shears

My boss gave me a $25 gift card for Bed Bath and Beyond. I bought a new pair of kitchen shears. Why you ask? Because there are so many uses for them!!! Here are some of my favorite!!!

  1. Cut up speghetti for the kids (or you).
  2. Cut up raw bacon into small pieces for frying bacon bits. Works better than a knife.
  3. After braising chicken to shred for another recipe, you your kitchen shears to shred the chicken. You can do it while the chicken is still hot without buring yourself! Check out this easy recipe.
  4. Cut up fresh herbs for making speghetti sauce.
  5. Use it to cut up hot dogs for the kids.
  6. OK, you can use it to cut up just about anything for the kids. It is quicker then using a fork and knife, but not as pretty. Two year olds don't care, they just want their food!!

 This is linked to Kitchen Tips with Tammy, Tip Junkie Frugal Fridays

1 comment:

  1. I even use my shears to cut grapes for the little ones. Like you said - it may not be pretty, but it is quick!


Thanks so much for your encouraging words!